Decided to go with WordPress for the new website

We’ve been meaning to put up a website for a while so our friends and family could see what we’ve been up to. We figured it was about time to do it now since we wanted to give updates on our wedding plans and details. Kate chose the domain name (she really liked the “Us” part of the name!), and Brian decided to go with WordPress. We’ll see how it works out for “Us”! This is the first post here, and it seems easy enough. It looks like there is a lot of flexibility built into the standard templates that are pre-installed. Nice. Brian built his old website first in all HTML by hand-coding it, but he found that it was a real pain to update so he ended up not doing it very often. He moved to Dreamweaver which made life a lot easier, but it didn’t have all of the built-in features (like comments from readers, moving posts to the side or archiving when they got old, easy maintenance, etc.). So he hasn’t updated his own site in a very long time (years). He should be updating this site now that we’re together. This should be a lot easier, too, so expect a few more updates than in the past. Okay, glad you came to see what was going on in our lives – Welcome! This is our place together. ~ ~